Bigger Friends, Bigger Appetites? (The Fat Suit Study)

Just when you thought you had your eating habits all figured out, be ready to be both entertained and enlightened by the freshly published Fat Suit Study, out of Cornell University’s Food and Brand Lab. Quite apropos for today’s holiday of (over)eating, wouldn’t you say? Here’s the skinny: Food psychology researchers lined up 82 undergraduate…

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Can Shivering Help Burn Fat?

Would you ever put these three together in an equation? Feeling Cold + Shivering = Reducing White Adipose Tissue To understand how that works, let’s cover some basics about adipose (fat) tissue. The adipose tissue that we have in our bodies comes in two colours: white and brown. Each hold their own individual meaning. White adipose…

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Are Your Snacking Habits a Lack of Self-Control, Or Something Else?

So here’s a scenario to consider: One of your goals is to eat healthily for 12 weeks. That means no junk food of any sort. And you’ve been doing pretty well for the past 8 weeks. But someone puts a beautiful bowl of crisps right in front of you and you’ve always loved crisps! You…

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Food Addiction vs Eating Addiction: What Is The Difference?

Anything that gives you pleasure and provides a reward to your brain has the potential of becoming addictive. Some things can be more addictive than others, making them harder for you to resist. Hyper-palatable sugary, fatty or salty foods are at the top of the list. Think about it, no matter how hard some people…

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