What Influences Our Food Choices?

Why do I eat? What makes me choose healthy or unhealthy foods? Who (or what) controls what I eat? Your brain is influenced by a multitude of different things when making decisions about food. In this 52-page report, we’ll navigate these influences: physiological or environmental, conscious or unconscious, hormonal or neural, visual or olfactory. Ready…

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How Are Your Brain and Gut Connected?

New discoveries show that the trillions of bacteria in your gut have a powerful influence on your behaviour, your memory, and even your decision making. But how exactly do gut microbes shape our brains and our behaviours? Grab “How are your brain and gut connected?” below: Conveniently download this 35-page science report. Contains links to…

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Are Eating Habits Contagious?

Although you might not realise it, several factors influence what you choose to eat and how much you choose to eat: with everything from where you buy your food, to food images, flavours and smell. But could other people’s eating patterns also influence what and how much you eat, even when you don’t eat in…

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Leaky Gut: Fact or Fad?

Leaky Gut Syndrome is often the subject of blogs and forums, along with ways to “heal” your gut. But have you ever thought about what ‘Leaky Gut’ actually is?  What causes it? And what are the consequences of having a ‘Leaky Gut’? More importantly, is there any science behind it – or is it just…

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