3 Common Misconceptions That May Be Hurting Your Sleep

If you’re a nutrition professional working with clients, you may have at one time or another hit a roadblock with their progress… Maybe there was something slowing down their weight loss in spite their best efforts… Or perhaps they just “had to” stop for fast food rather than making a nutritious home-cooked meal. What could…

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5 Questions Your Vegan Client Is Likely to Ask

Do you have a vegan client or would you LOVE to work with vegan clients? Helping a nutrition client who is vegan (or who is going vegan) in a way that is safe and effective can be quite challenging… Yet it’s important to get prepared because there’s a higher demand for this kind of nutritional…

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Our Top 10 Practical Tips to Reduce Stress

Would you believe that it’s been estimated that 60-80% of doctors appointments are stress related! Plus 50% of work absenteeism is thought to be due to being stressed out… And with the pressure to perform harder and be the best in all aspects of life (including work, family, and social areas), this is likely to…

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