Where to Find Clients for Your Nutrition Business

Many of our students study nutrition and professional health coaching because they have one goal in mind – to help people! However, even the best education and well-curated packages won’t make a difference if you aren’t finding the right clients. SO, where (and how) do you find people who will truly benefit from what you…

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Do I need a website for my nutrition business?

Recently, we hosted an incredible webinar with Thrive Magazine CEO, Susan Hay that provided actionable advice on how to improve your branding and marketing… And one of the common questions that came afterwards was: “Do I really need a website for my nutrition business? If so, where do I start?” Fortunately, The Health Sciences Academy…

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Choosing a Niche for Your Online Nutrition Business

There are more than 7-billion people in the world – and nearly all of them are potential nutrition (or health coaching) clients! Nutrition and healthy living are topics that are essential to everyone… So, with so many potential clients in the world, how do you choose the people YOU’RE going to help? It all starts…

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Nutrition for illness recovery: What to eat while recovering from illness?

In these difficult times where the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting many… You may get asked this question a lot by your clients and family. So, what are the best nutritional strategies and foods to incorporate into the diet of someone who is recovering from illness, in particular a viral infection? Here’s a quick guide to…

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