Alumni Spotlight: Susan Hart

I’d like to introduce you to one of our amazing graduates, Susan Hart, from Nottingham, UK. Susan, a former NHS manager-turned health coach and chef, is changing her clients’ lives through her successful coaching practice – AND also indulging people’s palates with delicious healthy menus that she develops for restaurants in her area. We couldn’t…

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4 Remarkable Ways Music Can Enhance Athletic Performance

In 2007, the USA Track & Field, the national governing body for distance racing, banned the use of headphones and portable audio players at its official races, creating the rule “to ensure safety and to prevent runners from having a competitive edge.” Many runners protested the rule (it does remain in effect today, but in…

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How to Bring Happiness Whilst Losing Weight

Here are two quick but considerable questions: Does losing weight bring happiness? Or.. Does being happy help you actually lose weight? In other words, is happiness just on the other side of weight loss? Or is it possible to bring happiness whilst losing weight? Can you relate to that? There’s this perceived level of how one…

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Oils For Cooking: Which Ones Should You Avoid?

First of all, you don’t need to be a chef to benefit from today’s article. I’ll answer a common question so when your client asks, you’ll be able to give them the best information possible. Let’s run a little test: Which oils are you (or your client) cooking with? Why are you (or your client)…

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Water For Weight Loss: Can Drinking More Help You Lose More?

Water is quantitatively the most important nutrient when it comes to preventing chronic diseases. There is even evidence that mild dehydration may account for some deaths. With about 60% of our human body made up of water, it is undoubtedly essential to survival. Your cells, body temperature, joint lubrication, and internal transport system depend on it. But…

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Food Debate: Has the Time Come To Exonerate Saturated Fat?

Meat, egg yolk, butter, milk, cheese, coconut oil, palm oil – they all have saturated fat. For decades, we have all been led to believe that limiting your intake of saturated fat will help lower your ‘bad’ cholesterol levels, and therefore reduce the risk it poses to your heart. Would you feel shocked if I…

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