Learn about how consuming certain foods may damage your GI tract, to which methods we can use to strengthen our gut lining!
Contains the following Continuing Education modules:
- GI Restoration and Gut Health Part 1: Removing Excesses
- GI Restoration and Gut Health Part 2: Removing Excesses
- GI Restoration and Gut Health Part 3: Replacing Deficiencies
- GI Restoration and Gut Health Part 4: Repopulating the Gut
- GI Restoration and Gut Health Part 5: Repairing the Gut
GI Restoration and Gut Health Part 1: Removing Excesses
Did you know that up to a quarter of the world’s population suffers from gastrointestinal symptoms? If you are included in this statistic, here you can learn about ways to heal your gut, in this comprehensive guide.
- The four steps we can use to alleviate gut-related problems
- How alcohol can affect your stomach and gut
- Whether stress can impact our gastrointestinal health
- How we can identify and avoid problematic foods
GI Restoration and Gut Health Part 2: Removing Excesses
How does sugar alter your gastrointestinal balance? What about painkillers, antibiotics, and antacids? What does the evidence say about their effects? In this second part of your course, we explore the rest of Step 1 in the 4R Program, with a focus on what’s living within your gut.
- Whether over-the-counter medicines can harm your GI system
- When antacids might be unnecessary
- Which foods are most damaging to our bacterial composition
- The risks contraceptive pills can pose to gut health
- How antibiotic use can affect our microbiome
GI Restoration and Gut Health Part 3: Replacing Deficiencies
Now that we’ve gotten rid of some things that could be harming your gut, in Part 3 we’ll be focusing on replacing what’s missing. A key factor in this process is making sure you’re digesting your food properly. What’s going on inside your GI tract, and how can you give your body a helping hand with digestion?
- How we digest different kinds of food
- What it looks like when we’re not digesting each food type properly
- The foods and nutrients you can eat to aid digestion
- How sleep and good digestive action are related
GI Restoration and Gut Health Part 4: Repopulating the Gut
Dysbiosis (microbial imbalance) leads to gut damage, a lowered immunity, infections, neurological distress, metabolic complications, increased food cravings, and even a predisposition to obesity. So, how do we solve this? We’ll show you what a healthy and an unhealthy gut look like, and how to banish dysbiosis for good, including practical tips, foods, and supplements that could help.
- The key factors that make for a thriving community of gut microbes
- What comprises a healthy gut
- Whether probiotics are effective, and how they function
- Which foods are good sources of probiotics
GI Restoration and Gut Health Part 5: Repairing the Gut
Ready for the final step of this 4R gut-healing program? The final “R” stands for repair. In this report, you’ll find out how to introduce 4 nutrients that could reinforce your gut lining and make it less “leaky”. Read on to find out what they are!
- What gut hyperpermeability is and whether we can repair it
- The four key nutrients that can help your gut to be less “leaky”
- How these nutrients may reinforce your gut lining
- Where you can find these nutrients