The Science of Longevity – Insights from our Webinar with Professor Luigi Fontana, MD, PhD, FRACP
Recently, we had the opportunity to host a webinar featuring Professor Luigi Fontana, MD, PhD, FRACP – one of the world’s foremost experts on the science of longevity. Author of the bestselling book, The Path to Longevity, Professor Fontana has produced more than 130 highly-cited scientific papers, been featured in mass media, and has been…
What’s the Better Health UK campaign about, and why care?
What’s the main goal of this week’s “Better Health” UK government campaign announcement?The main goal of the “Better Health” campaign is to help tackle the nation’s soaring obesity rates, alongside reducing COVID-19 symptom severity and the need for hospitalisation. It is true that being obese makes us more prone to experience more severe COVID-19 symptoms.…
Nutrition for illness recovery: What to eat while recovering from illness?
In these difficult times where the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting many… You may get asked this question a lot by your clients and family. So, what are the best nutritional strategies and foods to incorporate into the diet of someone who is recovering from illness, in particular a viral infection? Here’s a quick guide to…
Can Shivering Help Burn Fat?
Would you ever put these three together in an equation? Feeling Cold + Shivering = Reducing White Adipose Tissue To understand how that works, let’s cover some basics about adipose (fat) tissue. The adipose tissue that we have in our bodies comes in two colours: white and brown. Each hold their own individual meaning. White adipose…
Can You Change Your DNA to Look Younger?
Did you know that the expression of your genes is modifiable? The old notion that genes control your life has been replaced by new epigenetic discoveries. For example, when you put stem cells in a petri dish with the conditions that support muscle growth, the cells evolve into strong contractile muscles. However, if you change…
8 signs you’re addicted to food
I learned how to count calories when I was 11 years old. But that didn’t seem to stop me from polishing off a pack of chocolate coins back then. Or that big birthday cake followed by a pint of ice cream that nearly sent me to hospital. My sister told me that I needed to…
Chocolate: Good… or bad?
It’s Easter Weekend and we’re surrounded by delicious chocolate eggs and bunnies. But then you think, is having some good or bad? Well, you’ll be surprised to hear me say this, but some forms of chocolate can actually be good for you. However, you first need to learn how to assess the quality of chocolate.…
Eat, fast and live longer? Interview with Professor Valter Longo
Professor Valter Longo is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on prolongation of lifespan and longevity. For over 20 years, he’s been studying the complex mechanisms which control aging. He’s been featured in Morgan Freeman’s Through the Wormhole: Can we live forever?, Dr. Michael Mosley’s BBC Horizon Programme: Eat, fast and live longer, and…
What controls our food decisions?
What controls our food decisions? “I’ll start on Monday” you keep telling yourself. But then Monday comes… and what happens? Nothing…… You keep doing the same things, in the same way you did last week. Your intention was there. On Tuesday morning, you have no idea why you didn’t follow through. Scientists tell us that…
How to accomplish important things, no matter what
We all have 24 hours in a day. But not all of us use this limited time effectively. Too many times we leave our health at the bottom of our to-do list, especially because it isn’t urgent. For example, moving your body today isn’t urgent, but it matters if you want to do things on…