Sea Salt vs Table Salt: What’s the Difference?
Salt adds flavour to our foods whilst also helping with food preservation. But there are several different types of salt out there… Are there really differences between them?
Let’s take a look at two of the more common varieties, sea salt and table salt.
What’s Table Salt?
Table salt is predominantly mined from underground salt deposits. It is usually heavily processed, removing other minerals that may have originally been present. This results in a salt that is almost all sodium chloride, with very little else.
However, in some countries, other additives are included to improve the health properties of the salt. Iodine may be added (resulting in iodised salt) or potassium chloride may be mixed in, reducing the potentially harmful sodium content.
Table salt is usually a very fine powder, providing a fairly basic salty taste. It also usually has several additives, known as “anti-caking agents”, added to it to prevent the granules from sticking together.
How is Sea Salt Different?
Sea salt is produced through the evaporation of ocean water or water from saltwater lakes.
Usually, sea salt is less heavily processed than table salt, and is often sold as larger “flakes”. This provides a very different mouthfeel and adds a stronger, more distinctive salty taste to foods. This means that less salt may have to be used (a good thing), plus you get the added “crunch” of the flakes.
Because it is less processed, it may contain other trace minerals, which may add other subtler flavours under the salty notes.
A potential downside to sea salt is that it has been found to content microplastics. However, testing has found that this content is probably not high enough to pose a risk to human health.
Which is the Healthiest?
Sea salt tends to contain microplastics from sea contamination, potentially posing some health risks that need to be further researched.
Both of these salts are made up of predominantly sodium chloride. Too much salt can have negative health effects, regardless of source.
However, is table salt is fortified with iodine or contains potassium chloride, it may theoretically provide other health benefits.
On the other hand, because less sea salt is needed to impart a salty flavour, using it could lead to lower salt consumption overall.
What If You Don’t Go To University
It’s August, which means it’s that time of the year again: A Level Results Day.
And whether it’s your friends or your grandma, there’s one question on everyone’s lips…
Are you going to university?
You might be heading back from college to the tune of ‘Did you get the grades?’
Or maybe you never wanted to go to uni in the first place.
Whichever boat you’re in; what happens when your friends are prepping for freshers’ week, but you’re not?
No fear – we’re here to help! The first thing you need to consider is:
Are you sure about your decision?
It’s difficult to aim for your goals if you don’t know what they are, or how to reach them. This means that if you have a particular career in mind, you might want to see a careers advisor or thoroughly research alternative routes into the field you’re passionate about before making a final decision.
But then what? Well, first, it’s important to know…
There are a ton of careers that don’t require a university degree
It’s true! You may have considered some of these options: hairdressing, beauty, personal training.
But those aren’t the only choices – many careers have a variety of pathways into them, from accountancy, to journalism, to nutritional therapy.
Read on to see what you can do instead of going to university:
Take a Gap Year
Fondly known as the ‘gap yah’ among millennials, many teens take a year out to decide what they want to do before continuing their education. This often takes the form of travelling, learning a language, and gaining lots of experience of different cultures – but it can also involve volunteering in a mix of industries to help you make a more informed decision about your future. While this kind of break provides a temporary solution, it’s common for people to head back to school once they complete their gap year, but many teens also open doors to careers they never knew existed!
(Pssst… Looking for the latest work experience opportunities? GoThinkBig is a good place to start).
Find an Apprenticeship
Becoming an apprentice is a great way to get straight into work AND gain a qualification while you earn. From farming, to hospitality, to law, you can choose your apprenticeship from a huge selection of fields and levels, from Level 2 (GCSE equivalent) right through to Level 6/7 (degree equivalent). Depending on the level, an apprenticeship can take between 1 and 5 years to complete, but you’ll be learning loads of job-specific skills along the way.
If you’re in the UK, you can click here to find an apprenticeship.
Get an Entry-Level Job
While a large number of entry-level jobs will attract applications from students and recent graduates, many employers offer roles aimed at school-leavers – including training schemes. The obvious benefit of heading straight into work is that you’ll be earning right away.
A great way to find entry-level jobs is to keep an eye on websites that advertise vacancies in specific fields. Mediargh is a great example for media-related careers (publishing, science – whatever).
Become an Entrepreneur
Ever wanted to start your own business? Now might be your chance! This can be an exciting option for those not looking to go to university, but it’s wise to first consider the funding, support, and advice you’ll need along the way. If you’re in the UK, check out these government guidelines for new businesses.
For an extra boost when it comes to marketing your business effectively, check out Google’s Digital Garage for free digital marketing training.
Study for an Online Diploma
A huge barrier for many prospective students is the possibility of getting in over £50,000 of debt for a qualification in an area they’re not entirely sure about, or wasn’t necessary for their preferred career.
Whether you’re looking to boost your entrepreneurial endeavours, or you want to get a feel for a subject before jumping into a degree, an online diploma can be a great way to go! Loads of platforms offer you the chance to study via the web and many don’t require specialist technology, so you can get going with just a laptop and a cup of tea.
If it’s nutrition you’re into, we at The Health Sciences Academy® have a whole host of certifications and short courses for you to explore.
Nutrition not your thing? Not to worry – there are loads of other great providers out there. Check out Coursera and Lynda for an array of online courses on a variety of subjects.
They’re called options for a reason…
It’s important to remember that choosing to not go to university isn’t something that sets your career in a permanent direction. You may try one of the above and decide you want to go to uni after all! Perhaps you want some work experience, maybe you’re looking to boost your know-how before embarking on a degree, or you might even decide to do both an online course and an apprenticeship – the point is: the sky’s the limit.
What you’re doing this September doesn’t necessarily define the rest of your life, but it CAN boost it. Do what’s best for you and remember: it’s quite natural to need a little bit of extra time to work out where you want your career to go.
The Health Sciences Academy® is the UK’s largest online educator in nutrition science.
We are home to a variety of Level 5 online diplomas, in addition to a range of accredited short courses in nutrition topics – ready to help you ignite your career.
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