Fertility Nutrition

Learn the science behind ovulation, spermatogenesis, and conception, so that you can support a woman and her partner in improving fertility odds through nutrition and lifestyle changes

Client Materials
Scientific references
If a couple has been labelled as “clinically infertile”, this does NOT necessarily mean that their fertility chances are zero
After the female egg has been fertilised, 1 in 5 women experience miscarriage due to implantation failure
Many women have low intakes of essential nutrients needed to promote fertility, including folate, vitamins B6 and B12, iron, selenium, and potassium
4 times more women are having babies in their early 40’s compared to the last 3 decades
The global fertility supplement market is expected to reach $3.5billion by 2030, an increase of nearly 8% from 2022
Consumption of 60 grams of mixed nuts a day for 14 weeks was observed to improve sperm number, motility, and morphology in men
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We developed this advanced certification because of questions we get all the time at The Health Sciences Academy, like:

  • “How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant?”
  • “Why does it seem like my friends all get pregnant right away, but I don’t?”
  • “Should my partner and I see fertility testing?
  • “Does my nutrition really matter?”
  • “I get pregnant, but I lose the embryo within the first or second month. Why?”
  • “I’m 39… Did I miss my chance to have a child?”
  • “My partner was told by his medical doctor that his sperm are of a lower quality, is there anything we can do to increase our chances of having a baby?”
  • “I am going through IVF, but want to know what else I can do to increase my chances of getting pregnant.”
(Yes, we get questions like these even from medical doctors and university-trained dietitians and nutritionists).
Questions like these inspired us to bring practical science directly to those who want to help clients with their fertility odds in the right way.
This advanced training is our combined know-how in female and male reproductive science and nutrition and lifestyle factors that contribute to fertility.
If you want to help your female client understand her menstrual cycle and estimate her next fertile window so that she understands when she is more likely to conceive, we believe you need to understand the science of fertility and reproduction.
So how do you do it?
Fortunately, that’s exactly what you’re about to learn.

While the medical community may label couples who have been actively trying for a baby for 12 months or longer as “clinically infertile”, this does NOT necessarily mean that their fertility chances are zero!

…In fact, most of these couples may still be able to conceive after a year of trying!
Unfortunately, there’s a massive knowledge gap about female and male reproductive science in the general population.
Many women do not understand their own menstrual cycles and are unable to estimate their next fertile window (the time period when they are more likely to conceive).
Which means that one of the first steps is helping a client in understanding the menstrual cycle, ovulation, and the steps that go into fertilisation and conception leading to a successful pregnancy.
This means that fertility nutritional advisors must gain a profound, science-based insight that they can use to help clients PROFICIENTLY. Particularly if they want to stand out and be leaders in this field.
This scientific insight includes being able to assess a woman’s unique menstrual cycle.

Nutrition and lifestyle factors play important roles in fertility odds!

While understanding a woman’s menstrual cycle and being able to estimate her fertility window is a crucial part of conceiving, there are many more aspects that need to be considered.
Indeed, there are many nutritional and lifestyle factors which influence a woman’s chances of conceiving and carrying to term.
After going through hundreds of scientific papers, we summarised the findings into 6 Fertility Nutrition Principles which can help a client become pregnant:
  • Slowing Down Accelerated Ageing
  • Reducing Harmful Inflammation
  • Preventing Hormonal Imbalances
  • Mitigating Toxicity and Environmental Assault
  • Resolving Excess or Low Body Weight
  • Lessening Epigenetic and Microbiomic Risks

That's where YOU can make a difference.

When you become a certified Advanced Fertility Nutrition Advisor, you’ll know how to custom build fertility nutrition plans based on proven scientific methods…
…and you’ll be able to confidently address issues and answer questions such as:
  • Is it possible to increase fertility odds through nutrition?
  • What factors can you use to help predict your client’s next fertile window?
  • Does pregnancy occur once the egg has been fertilised?
  • How common is a miscarriage as a result of implantation failure?
  • Which factors influence male fertility?
  • What are some medical conditions which may reduce fertility in men and women?
  • What is IVF or assisted conception and how does it work?

58 units • 90 CPD hours • videos • workbooks

Get evaluation tools to personalise programs

  • Fertility trackers
  • Fertile window planners
  • Ovulation test kit checklists
  • Estimating time to conception tools
  • Nutritional and environmental detractors evaluations
  • Fertility groceries shopping lists for her
  • Fertility groceries shopping lists for him
  • Plus much more!
You’ll get our entire scientific framework to custom-build fertility nutrition plans… including client assessments with action steps, planners, trackers, food charts, and checklists to use in your practice. This way, no one will doubt your competence in this space ever again!

Where is the client in their fertility journey?

Whether your client is just starting to think about conception and wants to get healthier and prepared for that, have been trying for a while without success, or are going through IVF or assisted conception, this certification has the science and practical tools to help them along the way.
Each client will be at a different stage in their fertility journey, and based on where they are, they’ll need a unique and different support from their advisor.

Discover the science of female and male fertility

Having a strong foundation in the science behind human reproduction will set you apart from other professionals who do not have this knowledge.
  • Structure and function of female reproductive organs
  • Structure and function of male reproductive organs
  • The menstrual cycle
  • The fertility window
  • Folliculogenesis
  • Ovulation
  • Spermatogenesis
  • Conception
  • Implantation

Learn to help a client improve their fertility odds

We’ll show you how to perform health risk assessments to evaluate whether there may be factors under your client’s control which may be lowering their fertility odds.
You’ll also learn how to help your client keep a food and symptoms diary, and how you can analyse it. In this way, you can evaluate which nutritional factors may be influencing their odds so that you can help them make tweaks to their diet and improve their chances of conception.
Once you complete your training, you’ll also understand that our genetic makeup may play a role in our fertility odds, but that daily choices have a larger influence.

Support a client through IVF or assisted conception

You’ll also be provided with the knowledge and tools to help a client who may be preparing to undergo assisted conception or who is going through it.
This includes understanding the 6 main types of artificial conception.
Not surprisingly, many of the same concepts to help your client conceive naturally, can also help her to conceive through assisted reproductive technologies.
Additionally, you’ll be getting the Assisted Conception FAQs handout to help a client prepare for an assisted conception appointment with a doctor either before the procedure, the day of the transfer, and after the procedure.

BONUS Module included!

Your bonus module summarises the science of 5 female health conditions which can affect fertility odds: endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), premature ovarian failure, and uterine fibroids
You’ll also be provided with the Gynaecologist Appointment Guide so your client can get the most out of a visit to their medical doctor or fertility clinic.
While you CANNOT diagnose or attempt to diagnose medical conditions, prescribe treatment, dispense, or replace a doctor’s advice, you CAN work in collaboration with a medical doctor and help them to prepare for a visit to a medical doctor in regards to their fertility health.

When you join, you'll also get:

  • Unlimited 24/7 access to your course lessons
  • PDF files for all key materials – you can open, save or print these at your convenience
  • Ready-to-use templates for your clients: assessments, trackers, charts, meal planners, food diaries, health questionnaires, and legal forms
  • Interactive, automatically graded online quizzes which you need to complete before moving onto your next module
  • A fully automatically graded final exam (Score > 80% and you have passed…. No retake fees!)
  • Interactive questionnaires and polls – add your voice and see what your fellow students say
  • SKILLS LAB™ – guided field tasks, learning tasks, worksheets, idea banks creation, and more. Instantly apply what you learn and stay motivated by comparing how your classmates are doing!
  • Video training in key modules, with guided learning tasks and practical workbooks
  • Glossary, conversions guide and additional resources with examples, science or reference research
  • Instant PDF certificate upon completion, signed and dated by your certification director
  • Achievement badge to display on your website, business card, and marketing materials 24/7 access to the Learner Services portal
  • Over 500 scientific references, links to journals, and additional resources so you can expand your knowledge even further!
  • 2 BONUS units
  • And none of it expires!

Who is this certification for?

This advanced training is for you if…
  • You’re wanting to get pregnant and carry a child to term…
  • You’re a nutritional advisor and want to help female clients increase their fertility odds and chances of conception, and build personalised strategies for each client while improving your income...
  • You work with fitness clients and want to understand what is the right dose of exercise for each client looking to conceive…
  • You’re in the meal delivery services and want to learn to create fertility-friendly meals for the working force and for professionals supporting them when looking to have a baby…
  • You’re new to nutrition and want to start up a fertility nutrition practice…
  • You’re a medical professional and want to sharpen your clinical skills with specialised knowledge while earning your CPD…

Learn from any device!

  • Touch-friendly
  • No installation of other software required
  • Uses HTML5 and CSS3 (no Flash)
  • Loads quickly even over slow connections
  • Automatically adjusts for mobile devices

Get certified without delay

Upon graduation you’ll have instant access to your very own Certificate in PDF format, issued in your name, signed and dated. You can save it, print it or share it with someone else.

Skills Lab™ : Instantly apply your knowledge!

Practise the techniques taught in your certification before seeing real clients through guided field tasks, practical assignments, questionnaires, idea banks creation, and games. Learn how your classmates are doing and stay motivated!


I have absolutely loved this course for many reasons - having struggled with fertility, PCOS, miscarriage, and stillbirth before having my children I only WISH I had access to this kind of knowledge and information and support. I just cannot wait to be able to help women on their journey.
Wow, this course is amazing!!! I loved it!!! So much information. I realised I didn't know anything about the cycle and the process of becoming pregnant, I found all the information fascinating. There's also lots of information that can be applied to Nutritional Therapist, it felt like I went deeper in nutrition and body knowledge that doesn't only apply to fertility and getting pregnant. Everything is interlinked…

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Please note that this fee is excluding VAT

Start now, or talk with us for personalised advice.

Training Nutritionists of the Future™
© Copyright The Health Sciences Academy. The content, graphs and charts on this page have been exclusively prepared for The Health Sciences Academy and its prospect students, existing students and graduates. None of the content on this page and website may be reproduced, copied or altered without our explicit permission. Criminal and legal penalties for copyright and other infringement apply. All Terms and Conditions apply.
The Health Sciences Academy® is the world’s largest 100% science-based, nutrition-focused online educational institution.
✔ helping health and wellness professionals grow successful client practices
✔ raising industry standards since 2012 through personalised nutrition science
© Copyright The Health Sciences Academy. The content, graphs and charts on this page have been exclusively prepared for The Health Sciences Academy and its prospect students, existing students and graduates. None of the content on this page and website may be reproduced, copied or altered without our explicit permission. Criminal and legal penalties for copyright and other infringement apply. All Terms and Conditions apply.





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