Is sugar an addictive drug?

Health Tips: Is sugar an addictive drug

Those who have a “sweet tooth”, which in fact is most of us, are being closely studied by scientists. They tell us that most of us have a food addiction of some sort. Even thin people! In fact, they’ve found many similarities between substance abuse and sugar consumption. So, is sugar an addictive drug? According…

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Press Release: Growing risk of wrong nutritional advice from fitness professionals

Press Release: Growing risk of wrong nutritional advice from fitness professionals Over 3,500 health, fitness and wellness professionals have given their career a boost after they’ve completed an advisory training course with The Health Sciences Academy, who helps professionals offer a more comprehensive service and raise the quality of advice to clients. Over the past…

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Can You Change Your DNA to Look Younger?

Did you know that the expression of your genes is modifiable? The old notion that genes control your life has been replaced by new epigenetic discoveries. For example, when you put stem cells in a petri dish with the conditions that support muscle growth, the cells evolve into strong contractile muscles. However, if you change…

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8 signs you’re addicted to food

I learned how to count calories when I was 11 years old. But that didn’t seem to stop me from polishing off a pack of chocolate coins back then. Or that big birthday cake followed by a pint of ice cream that nearly sent me to hospital. My sister told me that I needed to…

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Our new scholarship winner announced!

For the past weeks, we’ve been going through hundreds of scholarship entries. Each story is so unique, it’s been incredibly hard to make a decision. We’re so proud of our community of students and graduates. Your passion and your commitment to go for what you stand up for continue to inspire us. And today, we…

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Chocolate: Good… or bad?

It’s Easter Weekend and we’re surrounded by delicious chocolate eggs and bunnies. But then you think, is having some good or bad? Well, you’ll be surprised to hear me say this, but some forms of chocolate can actually be good for you. However, you first need to learn how to assess the quality of chocolate.…

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Eat, fast and live longer? Interview with Professor Valter Longo

Professor Valter Longo is considered one of the world’s foremost experts on prolongation of lifespan and longevity. For over 20 years, he’s been studying the complex mechanisms which control aging. He’s been featured in Morgan Freeman’s Through the Wormhole: Can we live forever?, Dr. Michael Mosley’s BBC Horizon Programme: Eat, fast and live longer, and…

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London Marathon 2014 – Good luck to our runners!

What to eat if nerves kick in? Most London Marathon runners get pre-competition nerves. When nerves kick in, you may lose your appetite. However, you shouldn’t skip today’s evening meal, as this is an important time for topping up your muscle glycogen! Here’s a few meal alternatives if you find it difficult to eat solid…

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What controls our food decisions?

What controls our food decisions? “I’ll start on Monday” you keep telling yourself. But then Monday comes… and what happens?  Nothing…… You keep doing the same things, in the same way you did last week. Your intention was there. On Tuesday morning, you have no idea why you didn’t follow through. Scientists tell us that…

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Clinical Weight Loss is coming!

We hope you’re as excited as we are about our Clinical Weight Loss certification relaunch. It has been completely rewritten and includes the latest research on food addiction, hunger hormones, food sensitivities, change psychology… and so much more that it wouldn’t fit in this email. We’ve also developed specialist questionnaires, client templates and advanced materials…

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