Don't miss our email.

Please follow the tips below to ensure you don't miss a single email from us:

  • Check your spam, promotions, clutter or junk folder
  • Favourite or "star" emails from us
  • Keep opening our emails
Whitelist us NOW, before your delivery is interrupted.
If you’re using some sort of spam filtering or blocking software (in addition to what your email provider checks for), follow the instructions below to ensure our emails won’t be blocked. Every email system is different so if yours isn’t here, please contact your email provider for their help.
Why is this important?
Unsolicited advertising email (“spam”) has become a big problem. Email services have put blocking or filtering systems in place. However, the anti-spam systems are far from perfect. They often block email that you’ve requested, including our emails.

How to whitelist* us:

* A whitelist is a list of accepted email addresses or domain names that is trusted by your email service.

Please use the following email address (cannot be copied to avoid spam ourselves):

1. Open an email from the sender that you want to whitelist
2. Click on the little down-pointing-triangle next to “reply”
3. Click Add The Health Sciences Academy to contacts list

More Step: Gmail may move messages to your Promotions or Spam folder if you do not “star” or keep opening our messages. Tip: drag emails from The Health Sciences Academy into your Priority Inbox, and create a “The Health Sciences Academy” or “THSA” folder to archive emails from us after you’ve read them. Important: DO NOT setup automatic rules to move our emails into folders, or again you are likely to miss something. Instead, drag our emails manually to your new special folder once you’ve read them.
1. Open an email from us
2. Click Add to contacts next to The Health Sciences Academy or
1. Open the email you’ve received from us
2. Hover over the sender name
3. Click Add to contacts next to The Health Sciences Academy or
4. On the Add Contact popup, add extra info if needed
5. Click Save
1. Click Contacts in the right toolbar
2. Click Add Contact
3. Type our email address:
4. Click the Add Contact button in the popup
1. Click or The Health Sciences Academy in the header of the message you’re viewing
2. Click Add
  1. Go to View
  2. Click on View Settings → Mail → Junk email
  3. Under Safe Senders and Domains, click Add 
  4. Type our email address:
  5. Click Enter

1. Click the Home tab
2. Click Junk
3. Click Junk E-mail Options
4. Click Safe Senders
5. Click Add
6. Type our email address:
7. Click OK

One More Step: Outlook may move messages to your Clutter folder if you do not keep opening our messages. Tip: drag emails from The Health Sciences Academy into your Inbox, and create a “The Health Sciences Academy” or “THSA” folder to archive emails from us after you’ve read them. Important: DO NOT setup automatic rules to move our emails into folders, or again you are likely to miss something. Instead, drag our emails manually to your new special folder once you’ve read them.
1. Right-click on the email you received (in the list of emails)
2. Click Junk E-mail
3. Click Add Sender to Safe Senders List
1. Open the email message you’ve received from us
2. Right-click Click here to download images in the gray bar at the top of the message
3. Click Add Sender to Senders Safe List
1. Click Address Book
2. Click File
3. Click New Card
4. Type our email address:
5. Click Edit
1. Click Address Book
2. Make sure Personal Address Book is highlighted
3. Click New Card. This will launch a New Card window that has 3 tabs: Contact, Address & Other
4. Under Contact, type:
5. Click OK
1. Select the message from The Health Sciences Academy
2. Tap on The Health Sciences Academy (i.e. the sender)
3. Tap on Create New Contact
4. Tap on Done
1. In the default email client, open our email
2. Tap on the picture of the sender
3. Select OK (to add to your contacts)
1. Click Preferences from the menu
2. Click Restrict Incoming Email
3. Click Yes to Enable Email Controls
4. Click Allow email from addresses listed below
5. Type our email address:
6. Click Add
7. Click Update
1. Click Address Book
2. Click Add Contact
3. Type our email address:
4. Click Save
1. Click the Address Book tab on the top menu bar
2. Click Contacts
3. Click Add Contact
3. Type our email address:
5. Click Save

Please look here if you need further help.

Training Nutritionists of the Future™
© Copyright The Health Sciences Academy. The content, graphs and charts on this page have been exclusively prepared for The Health Sciences Academy and its prospect students, existing students and graduates. None of the content on this page and website may be reproduced, copied or altered without our explicit permission. Criminal and legal penalties for copyright and other infringement apply. All Terms and Conditions apply.
The Health Sciences Academy® is the world’s largest 100% science-based, nutrition-focused online educational institution.
✔ helping health and wellness professionals grow successful client practices
✔ raising industry standards since 2012 through personalised nutrition science
© Copyright The Health Sciences Academy. The content, graphs and charts on this page have been exclusively prepared for The Health Sciences Academy and its prospect students, existing students and graduates. None of the content on this page and website may be reproduced, copied or altered without our explicit permission. Criminal and legal penalties for copyright and other infringement apply. All Terms and Conditions apply.





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