Introducing Nancy!

Having curvy Italian genes made Nancy feel as though her body was not a blessing. As a young woman, Nancy was often teased for being “Euro-Fat.” This led to her developing low-self esteem and a mild eating disorder. She felt chunky and unattractive, especially being a competitive gymnast, and surrounded by slim, nimble athletes all day. However, on the outside, Nancy was confident in the gym and engaging in sports like track, volleyball, and cheerleading.
Coming from an Italian family, Nancy was surrounded by irresistible Italian dishes. Her family would tell her not to get skinny, and she became obsessed with food and went back and forth between restricted and secret eating.
By 20, Nancy fell into a state of depression, bringing her to her lowest point in life. She dreamed about becoming a fitness model, but her negative self-talk did not allow that to become a reality. The turning point in her life came when a guy at the gym suggested that she finally face her fears and enter a fitness competition. It was this encouragement that led to her achieving that goal. Nancy learned to work with her body instead of against it. It was this commitment that replaced years of insecurities with physical strength, confidence, and self- respect.
Since Nancy first stepped on stage in 2004, fitness has been her passion and focal point of both her personal life and career. She has had a rewarding and diverse career in the international fitness, media, and modeling industry. Nancy has been a feature on the covers of Oxygen, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Iron Man Magazine. She has hosted prestigious events for, Olympia, Toronto Pro show, and Arnold Sports Festival. She has interviewed high caliber sports celebrities, including legend Arnold Schwarzenegger. Nancy was able to co-host “Living Beautiful Radio,” Which allowed her to share her message and inspire others around her.

Passions and Goals

As a Clinical Weight loss Practitioner and a personal trainer for 30 years, she has coached thousands of people to optimal health and fitness with tailored nutrition and training, intending to be better than you could ever imagine.
Nancy’s passion in life is to help other women be and feel their best. She knows firsthand how far that kind of guidance and encouragement can go and what it means to someone. She is focusing on helping women in their 40’s be the best versions of themselves, building confidence, and feeling attractive no matter their age or body type.


As a Health and Wellness Coach, Nancy believes she must be giving her clients the most accurate information that is backed by scientific research. This is why Nancy chose to align herself with certifications from THSA.
She believes that on-going education is the key to success in whatever niche you choose, especially with the rapid trends in the Health and Wellness industry. THSA allows Nancy to discover the Why and the How, that is why she continues her education with THSA.

Fun Fact:

  • Nancy worked on the Front line of men’s jails for years.
  • Nancy doesn’t like rollercoasters/line ups but LOVES cookies.
Training Nutritionists of the Future™
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The Health Sciences Academy® is the world’s largest 100% science-based, nutrition-focused online educational institution.
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✔ raising industry standards since 2012 through personalised nutrition science
© Copyright The Health Sciences Academy. The content, graphs and charts on this page have been exclusively prepared for The Health Sciences Academy and its prospect students, existing students and graduates. None of the content on this page and website may be reproduced, copied or altered without our explicit permission. Criminal and legal penalties for copyright and other infringement apply. All Terms and Conditions apply.





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