Student Spotlight – THSA Success Stories!

Our students and graduates are the reason we do what we do!

The Health Sciences Academy is here to support your nutrition education – empowering you to change the world one client at a time through our Learn, Earn, Serve model.

And when we hear how successful so many of our students are, we want to share it.

Keep reading to celebrate the accomplishments of some of our best and brightest…

Meet Davor Cvijic

Davor Cjivic is an accomplished coach, entrepreneur, HOP90 program creator, and member of our Nutrition Business Explorer Program.

Not only is he making waves in the fitness community, but he’s also managed to successfully grow his team of coaches and his business during the global pandemic.

“[The Health Sciences Academy] enhanced my skills and gave me the confidence to take the next step, and to move things online. I’ve come to realize that it’s allowed me to help way more people at once.

I had this vision at one point in time that I wanted to change 1000 lives. And now, that number has quickly escalated, and I won’t stop until I reach 10,000 lives.”

Introducing Nancy DiNino

Nancy Di Nino is an amazing fitness expert and role model for mature women looking to embrace their curves at any age!

She’s spent years in various roles within the fitness industry – including professional salsa dancing and competing (and winning) in body building competitions. Nancy has also been featured in major publications such as Oxygen, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Iron Man Magazine.

As she grew as a professional and became increasingly aware of the needs of women she could identify with, Nancy saw an opportunity to make an impact. She used her knowledge of health, wellness, fitness, and mindset to start changing lives through her Online Female Training and Fitness Programs and private transformational coaching services.

“To be in a gym nine to five, look, it’s time consuming and I really need to work smarter not harder. And so that’s why I was really excited about being able to manage clients, especially with The Health Sciences Academy where I could manage them in one place, like a one stop shop and be more efficient and effective with my time, so I could help more people!

Louise Mercieca is doing great things!

Louise is a skilled personal trainer who transformed into a book author, keynote speaker, host of a food channel on TV, and consultant in a professional kitchen supporting hundreds of nurseries.

“I was asked to be a keynote speaker, and I’ve done that a couple of times at nanny events. I was asked to host a food channel on TV. And then, lots of other things kind of spiraled from that. Now I’m working as a consultant in a professional kitchen giving advice on a rollout menu across hundreds of nurseries. I never planned on it and wouldn’t have if I’d never done that particular course.  

I never would have known how interesting and how influential that area of work was and how much it was needed as well.” 

Louise is doing great things as an expert in her field!

Get cooking with Aaron Day!

Aaron started a blog called “FatforWeightloss.” Using his platform, he helps people change their lives using a ketogenic diet. As a recipe developer, he understands that in today’s world, people don’t have a lot of time to cook. So, he emphasises flexible, quick, and simple keto meals for individuals and families.

He’s also published 5 cookbooks focusing on the ketogenic diet and has another getting ready to hit the shelves next year! He’s also been featured in major publications such as Men’s Health, Women’s Health, and The Huff Post.

“I came into the program with the inherent belief that I couldn’t charge any more than $150 – 250. And armed with the knowledge, I was able improve that exponentially

Going through the programs gives me the knowledge to not only help them [clients] at that point in their life and their journey, but also helps me with future clients along the way.”

Want to be our next success story?

The Nutrition Business Explorer Program was designed to help you start or scale your nutrition business as quickly as you can learn and apply new information.

Once you join, you’ll have access to all of our level 5 and 6 CPD accredited certifications (on top of other amazing resources) – allowing you to specialise in your field.

Click here to get started now…

See Also

Continuing Education Bundle

Upcoming Webinar

[PDF] Should We Fear GMOs?

2024 Science Report

Free Contrast Method

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Everything on this site is original content, created and owned by or through The Health Sciences Academy ® or licensed accordingly.
Training Nutritionists of the Future™
© Copyright The Health Sciences Academy. The content, graphs and charts on this page have been exclusively prepared for The Health Sciences Academy and its prospect students, existing students and graduates. None of the content on this page and website may be reproduced, copied or altered without our explicit permission. Criminal and legal penalties for copyright and other infringement apply. All Terms and Conditions apply.
The Health Sciences Academy® is the world’s largest 100% science-based, nutrition-focused online educational institution.
✔ helping health and wellness professionals grow successful client practices
✔ raising industry standards since 2012 through personalised nutrition science
© Copyright The Health Sciences Academy. The content, graphs and charts on this page have been exclusively prepared for The Health Sciences Academy and its prospect students, existing students and graduates. None of the content on this page and website may be reproduced, copied or altered without our explicit permission. Criminal and legal penalties for copyright and other infringement apply. All Terms and Conditions apply.





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