How To Pick The Best Foods For Any Diet Part One: Personalisation is Everything!

Aspiring nutrition professionals ask how to pick the best foods for any diet and which diets we’d recommend.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed with all the different diets, theories, allergies and food preferences out there.

It can seem like a long, complex maze in front of you… With walls so tall you have no idea where to go!

Right now, it’s stopping you from helping people finally live happily in good health.

But we’re here to tell you it’s not going to be that bad and confusing…

If you’re willing to learn just a few core scientific concepts, you’ll start to see the “aerial view” and realize your path in nutrition is pretty straight-forward.

How? By relying on science whenever you feel lost and confused.

The worst mistakes happen when nutrition professionals ignore the fact that science keeps evolving and follow fads instead…

What’s the biggest health risk in nutrition today?

Diet fads can be super attractive. With all those inspiring stories, pictures of transformation, and hype from the media.

But when you look behind the hype, you often realize stories are just that… Stories.

Fads may work for some. One person in a hundred, or a thousand. However, if you want to be a nutrition pro, you want to be able to help your clients in a personalised manner.

And not put anyone’s health at risk while you’re at it.

Believe us, we’d be the happiest if nutrition science was as simple as reading one best seller. But making the world a better place takes time, effort, and serious research.

Our research team at The Health Sciences Academy scrutinise HUNDREDS of scientific studies each day.

Nutrition science continues to evolve.

And while many of us would love to find a magic cure-all that could improve the health of the masses with zero effort…

The cold hard truth is, it doesn’t work like that.

Health and nutrition fads rarely work. Worst yet, they can be highly dangerous.

If you’re still reading this:

You’re one of the good people out there. You want to help your loved ones and the people who put their trust in you.

You want them to prosper and be in good health for long years to come. Not just cash a big cheque selling snake oil and skipping town.

That’s why I want to invite you to…

How to become a respected nutrition professional… 

You want your nutrition advice to be SAFE and effective to all of your friends, family, and future clients, right?

There’s only one way forward…

The scientific way.

And it all starts with one vital skill.

One core concept that’s shared among all reputable and effective nutrition professionals:

Diets can only be safe, effective, and sustainable when they’re personalised.

This concept leaves no room for one-size-fits-all cure-all fads. And it invites the latest in health and nutrition science to aid our practice.

Keeping this in mind, we can’t experiment with hundreds of diets just because we’ve seen them online, in social, or in bestselling books.

You wouldn’t want your doctor to treat you based on what they saw in the Daily Mail, would you?

Of course not.

Why would a good nutrition professional act any different?

That’s why what we’ll teach you how to cut through the noise and personalise treatment with science.

It’s going to be different for each and every one of your patients. But you’re going to find it by following the same methods.

Now, you may be asking…

Which aspects of a client’s diet can you personalise?

There are a LOT of moving parts in building a diet that truly serves you and your clients. But fear not, by the time we’re finished you’ll know exactly where these parts fit in.

For now, we just want you to familiarise yourself with the concept of personalisation. And see each of the things that may be different for each of us…

Every client will have different requirements when it comes to:

Nutrient Needs: For example, depending on someone’s current diet AND lifestyle factors, they may have additional requirements for certain nutrients, or a higher risk of developing a nutrient deficiency.

Food Quality + Quantity: Some foods are packed with more essential nutrients than others, and different different clients will be able to tolerate different amounts.

Eating Frequency: One client may require several meals a day, while another may do perfectly fine with two, for instance. We must assess and personalise.

Food Types They Need: Cooked. Raw. Blended. Pureed? Each of us have varying digestive abilities and may require different types of foods that we are better able to tolerate.

Food Combos They Like: You may know the exact foods they need to eat but can you combo them in a way they’ll like to eat them?

Meal Ideas You Can Give Them: This is considering their cooking skills, equipment, tastes. Assess your client’s strengths and limitations, and put forward what makes them most sense for each person.

Shopping Lists to Create: Fresh. Frozen. Which brands? We can (and should) help each client with the nitty-gritty of their groceries, too. If we ignore the implementation aspects, all good nutritional advice will go to waste.

As you can see, you’ll want to tailor your advice quite a bit.

If we just ignore all these moving parts and push the same diet for everyone, our nutritional advice won’t be of any real value.

Now I realize this may sound complicated at first, but…

You just need to learn a few fundamental guidelines. They’ll help you personalise your advice and keep it safe and effective.

The most important FIRST step when working with a new client…

It’s the #1 thing you must do BEFORE you set out to personalise anyone’s food and eating practices.

It’s the top priority:

It’s learning how to evaluate nutrient deficiency risks.

This topic is worth its own article. So, stay tuned for part 2 of this mini-series. We’ll be back soon!

If you don’t want to wait…

We have a full certification that teaches you everything you need to know to work as a Nutritional Therapist.

You can get the full curriculum download here.

If you agree with what you’ve read and found it useful, you’d do us a great service if you shared this post with your friends and family.

See Also

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Everything on this site is original content, created and owned by or through The Health Sciences Academy ® or licensed accordingly.
Training Nutritionists of the Future™
© Copyright The Health Sciences Academy. The content, graphs and charts on this page have been exclusively prepared for The Health Sciences Academy and its prospect students, existing students and graduates. None of the content on this page and website may be reproduced, copied or altered without our explicit permission. Criminal and legal penalties for copyright and other infringement apply. All Terms and Conditions apply.
The Health Sciences Academy® is the world’s largest 100% science-based, nutrition-focused online educational institution.
✔ helping health and wellness professionals grow successful client practices
✔ raising industry standards since 2012 through personalised nutrition science
© Copyright The Health Sciences Academy. The content, graphs and charts on this page have been exclusively prepared for The Health Sciences Academy and its prospect students, existing students and graduates. None of the content on this page and website may be reproduced, copied or altered without our explicit permission. Criminal and legal penalties for copyright and other infringement apply. All Terms and Conditions apply.





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