[NEW STUDY] Did The Lockdown Encourage Healthier Habits?

Findings from the largest study of diet and lifestyle behaviour during COVID-19 revealed rather surprisingly that despite the sedentary lifestyle the lockdown seemed to promote, people used the opportunity to make positive changes to their diet and lifestyle. The COVID 19 pandemic has indeed had many adverse effects on people including but not limited to…

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Help Your Clients Pay Attention To Their Gut Health

How our digestive system works to help us eat, process food, and ultimately excrete waste is all a function of the gut. But that’s not all. Gut health is currently receiving a lot of attention as it has now been linked to various aspects of health that seem to have nothing to do with digestion.…

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How Personalised Nutrition Can Position Your Business For Growth

A growing world-wide consciousness of the relationship between the food we eat and its impact on our overall wellbeing continues to trigger the need for personalised nutrition. Consumers are quickly moving away from one size fits all nutrition strategies and searching for nutrition regimes that suit their unique individual needs as nutritional requirements vary for…

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The Brain and Exercise: The Effects of Exercise on the Brain

The numerous effects of exercise on the brain give enough reasons for one to get physically active. Exercise can affect the brain’s cognition, function, and structure. It is recommended that adults should do at least 150 minutes to 300 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity aerobic exercise every week. There are so many benefits of…

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5 Tips that Help You Successfully Pitch Your Sleep Services to Corporate Clients

Large corporations provide a unique opportunity for nutrition professionals who specialise in sleep services. Many corporate professionals working in these high-pressure environments deal with increased levels of stress and poor rest as a by-product of their busy lives. Fortunately, when you complete your Advanced Sleep Management Advisor certification, you’re in a unique position to help.It’s…

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5 Tips to Practice Active Listening with Your Nutrition Clients


Active listening is about more than just sitting still and waiting for your nutrition clients to finish speaking before offering advice. It’s a concept that promotes increased understanding and a more advanced level of communication during your sessions. However, developing good active listening skills takes practice and mindfulness. It can be one of the most…

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Are Your Clients Stressed? How to Approach them with Stress Management Services

After the year we’ve all had, it’s safe to say that stress has become a constant companion for the majority of the population. We’re struggling to navigate a new normal with changing dynamics in the health, fitness, and wellness industries. And many people are discovering the cost that constant stress can have on them physically…

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How Supplement Knowledge Can Help Your Nutrition Business

Supplementation is something of a mystery for many nutrition professionals. Personal trainers and even nutritionists can have a difficult time keeping up with new products and the advancing needs of their clients. However, it’s also a science that can give you a competitive edge when trying to help your clients achieve maximum results. Proper supplementation…

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Can You Succeed as a Sports and Fitness Professional without Focusing on Diet?

The short answer is no… As a sports and fitness professional, personal trainer, weight loss coach, or athletic coach, you know that your business success is completely dependent on the success of your clients. Their results prove your methods and create a case for others to use your services. In turn, a lack of results…

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What Should You (and Your Clients) Know About Food Allergies and Intolerances?

Having unrequited love for certain foods can be quite sad. This is what happens when we have a food sensitivity. We eat that favourite meal and then experience an adverse reaction to it, and we are left wondering why life isn’t fair. Food sensitivities, although quite unpleasant, are pretty common these days and continue to…

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